Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stories Of Guys Comparing Size

N-VA Google approach: the borders of Flanders, Googlemaps show "Belgian" instead of "Belgium" ...

MP Ben Weyts N-VA has beliefs and recreation for the fundamental issues. Thus we read that he was delighted, on his Facebook page, the result of a win-win apparently great Flemish struggle.
After party to assault the citadel Google, mutipliant emails and couriers, Ben Weyts obtained as Googlemaps, not superimpose over the borders of Flanders, the word "Belgium", but both the word "Belgian". (Not Flanders)
" I do not quite useless, he writes, that many foreigners consultant Google Maps get rid of the idea that only francophones living in this country."

challenged by other Dutch did not like Nationalist fixettes Ben Weyts it is in his commentary.
" The Walloons are certainly pleasant, but it's not the point, "he said . We must stop wasting time, money and energy with all the community discussions. Let us try to solve our own problems with our solutions, our vision and our own responsibility. And after separation of the current Belgium with the Netherlands (separatisten!), we can remain the best friends of Wallonia. "

Mera Naam Joker Simmi Grewals Role

"Without waffle" of Radio 3 / 03 (now without Cauderlier Fred, moved to the other side of The mirror :-)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grandmother Birthday Verse

"Woutergate" (what we face the perpetual parade of royal matchmakers)

rating has not finished hesitate between resignation or indignation.
is inextricably development sustainable.
And the queue after Wouter Beke is almost already evident.
Wouter Beke, before his old glasses that are ...
condition that the North is still a government to a major reform of the state whose every facet imbroglio automatically takes for ages. It is that consequence of the hardness of the offensive confederate Flemish, the stakes are increasingly crucial, yeah, for the living future of Wallonia and Brussels.
course, lines move. Some dream strong coalition of the center right: to be picking up 130,000 votes including Jean-Marie Dedecker. Other - Flemish intellectuals or the shadow of Verhofstadt-roar against the N-VA, whereas the old Flemish Day Song becomes surprisingly trend. Still others that Parliament majorities of opportunity shifting sand, whether it's family, the quota of women or the lifting of banking secrecy which annoys the N-VA. And Didier Reynders
can deny the sun at high noon, especially that of BHV we never saw on the horizon, its mission is summed up in his own sentence ultimately very non-sense: "I have very fully informed about all the Sovereign files" . As if Albert II had spent over 260 days to watch the full DVD of all U.S. TV series.
Reynders, Sun King Zero, according to Gazet van Antwerpen.
After Di Rupo, De Wever, Vande Lanotte and Reynders, so it's the turn of the CD & V Wouter Beke, another political scion Bart De Wever-with-fire of the great Flemish Hugo Schiltz (VU), go to the break-pipe. Funny
zig moreover, the Wouter.
Who is ready to curl the art of neurons and the frontal but still too few middle. Who prefers to hire the theologian Jürgen Mettepeningen - you remember, the former spokesman for Bishop Leonard-center study of CD & V, rather than a marketing consultant. From there to enforce the ethics of Christian social doctrine, to recall the realization of "common good" , there's margin.
Beke in Actie already trampling his return cautiously to PS and N-VA, with whom he worked in "concentric circles". Because he has to blunder in swansong the electoral threat, multiple centrifugal movements crossing the CD & V wickedly up the crack between his center-left wing (the Flemish Christian union still has its relays) and his right wing, one that feels so comfortable with both Bart. And since
Wouter (36) is virtually unknown, the médiapolitique time deal with his personality, his love for basketball, his endless repeating formulas ( "I'm not a Flemish emotional "): a new face, it does not eat bread by the time tired. This will leave
opinion just resigned to the likelihood of an insult to break trust with its elected politicians.
Who did, in his eyes, apparently more interested in the taste of what affects them, what strikes even in the midst of their everyday life: the fall-this one with immediate consequences Energy Revolution Arabic-their purchasing power.
Gennez Carolina, the chieftain of the socialist North, has smelled it.
By asking a stupid question "Why oranges sold in Belgium are they more expensive than those sold in Holland, while it is almost the same truck that brought them from Spain? "
With a barrel of oil rises, with inflation 3.4% in February (much less than the savings accounts now locked up in the competition), with food prices that inflate with the prices of electricity, gas and even water flying off the virtual world of Government in the short week please do anymore. (Hey, just a statement among many others: between 2005 and September 2010, water prices in Belgium rose by 26.9% against only 11.0% on average in the three neighboring countries.)
short, we need heat, food, travel communicate and now it costs really much more expensive than our European neighbors. And Prices Observatory made, somehow, up in his time in vain to publish nice reports much more powerful than the last institutional curlers date, it seems not many people even bother in the "No man's land ", 16 rue de la Loi. Or price control seems to be an alien notion of Leterme 2 or 3, we do not know as it lengthens.
What the endless parade of pimps at the Palais we now face less and less is the annapurnesque prices.
Go for a little one could almost call it the "Woutergate.

Hack Rom Pokèmon Mac

Hotel de Fonseca 2

Former CCAS has a new look for the moment the work lay bare stone:

I mentioned in the first article (*), structural changes , we find the evidence with this window that had been walled up:

The facade as it was in 2009 when the sale of all :

(*) The first article HERE

continued ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ps3 How Do I Know If My Power Suppl

Wafelman to conquer the Flemish version Waffeland "no op zien als Walfelman I ..."