Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Which Paints Are The Best For Breyer Customizing

Party for life? No, for Bolivia!

La Paz, Bolivia
On November 8, 2008 9:00 p.m.

After Guatemala, Central America, here I am finally here in South America and on this virtual space, to tell you my first week in the capital's most top of the world, La Paz. How impressive and attractive city, despite its messy side. It exudes so much energy that it is almost impossible not to be mesmerized by its pace ... with his parable. A mathematical equation is the strength of nature.

The first glimpse of La Paz literally breathtaking. Installed on the sides and bottom of what might look like a bowl, the city clings to the throat, and the streets climb steeply on all sides. In the event of losing its sense of direction (which is not my case!), Urban advise us to go down to the center "economy" of the city, which lies at the bottom of the bowl, there where it is warmer and to regain the Prado, the boulevard, where all streets lead.

The widest part of the "Prado" or 16 del Julio.

The very central Plaza del Estudiante, where the largest public university in La Paz.

Especially since they say that opposites attract. This does not fail to seduce a Montreal in search of a little dirt and lack of constraints. But these smells and incessant movement that are far removed to this city its unique beauty!

a clear day you can see the majestic snow-capped Mount Illimani (6400 m). Given the altitude, it is possible to live for three seasons the same day. It is virtually impossible to get lost in La Paz. A single large artery crosses changing its name several times (the Prado). It is built on the course of the Rio Choqueyapu which is largely underground.


The San Pedro

One of the most vibrant city. San Pedro is the neighborhood that houses the famous market Socières, the steep streets where the craft tiendas, San Pedro prison as the Lonely Planet describes as unique in the world (I'll tell you why), the Mercado Negro and the two main grocery stores in town (which are always outside the South).

Actually, La Paz, take his legs from his neck to cross the street. No, but no joke, we must develop if we did not have a character of getter to trace a path through this crazy traffic. Nothing to do with France, for example. Here are driven literally honking, if a driver finds that one before moving forward or does not double another quite to his liking, he happens not even a second before he let him know. The horn is a much more important than the brakes, and there is no code of conduct, or signals, On the contrary there is rather a code of conduct, which is essential to know, if you watch it ....

Although the start of the market that you see on this picture extends over more than one km2 to the heights of La Paz on Saturday, this street is closed to accommodate more traders.

The district has a large indigenous population, many street vendors, and the animation kingdom permanently

I live on the third floor of the building blue.

I MYSELF photography!

Customs del Sur

difficult for us North Americans, to find our way: no bus stops, no cash registers (everything but everything is on the black market is not illegal here), or almost all stores are on the sidewalks, even the cobbler, people greet each other all the time saying good day, good afternoon or good evening depending on time of day. Not easy to adopt the habit of greeting people entering the mini-bus!

Gone with Central America and South America, many are those that hire women to do everything to care for children and do housework, "muchacha" washing the floors every day, do not go to a table without wishing heartily, drink coffee in the morning and distilled Coca-Cola with their best dishes, do not really consume alcohol unless you want to get drunk and eat their biggest meal at lunchtime.

A small tour of my apartment

apprte I share this with an Australian who came to Canada four months to two years in order to learn English and work in international development. This building houses Namaste (which can be translated as "I salute the sun that is in you" and is also the name of my yoga studio in Montreal), a végétérien restaurant, owned by two brothers artists "really cool" who are also owners of building. Many foreigners live in these apartments, but all are there for a while, then speak and live in Castilian (English).

the kitchen

Side Lounge

View of the entrance

The balcony


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