Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some Good To Masterbate Too

This blog was two years old!

He was born on February 22 February 2009 to serve as a showcase for my collection of photos of niches carved in Avignon. Since then it has grown, the topics are diverse, there is no lack in this diverse city.

But to celebrate his birthday, I chose another, that of fifty years of twinning with the city of Siena. A recurring figure, the Catherine of Siena, who made a visit to Avignon in 1375 to try to reunify the papacy. I chose the vision of this great mystic, Ernest Pignon Ernest had presented in his exhibition " Ecstasies" in 2008 at the Chapel of St. Charles, stripped of its symbolic

The entire exhibition "ecstasy" to see the artist's website:

This exhibition will be remembered ...
NB: There are also representations of the Holy at the Petit Palais museum .

How Much Anbesol Is Dangerous?

"Without waffling" TV (27/02): CDH and Qaddafi, the "fig leaf" of modesty on arms sales, the route of a spoiled child

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Which Gatsby Is Good For Thick Hair

"Without waffling" radio (24/02)

Debureaux Matthias, author of "The Dictators are very good love "

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Truth About Seaworld

Composition of the Board: the words to say ...

the turning of the political pages of the Internet, you may find beads, even in areas supposed to be the most subtly written.

We fell well the other day, wanting to check a fact, on the presentation form of political groups in the House.

It's fun.

- It reads:

- That Vlaams Belang is a "right-wing Flemish nationalist party."

- While the N-VA is simply a "nationalist party".

- That the LDD is a "right-wing Flemish party founded by Jean-Marie Dedecker, a former senator VLD. “ (là, on a le sens du détail et de la précision)

- Et in fine que le PP est un "parti fédéral" (là, faudra actualiser, le PP étant devenu confédéral avant que son unique représentant ne founded his own party-chocheté, the MLD ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Doujin-moe Account Free

Failure to dissolution-election: the germ of a great North-South clash?

Photo © Sergio Bianchini
Di Rupo does not much by chance.
Yesterday he sent a message to Bart De Wever, for which elections would be the best step in petto post-Reynders. And he has yet given a reprieve over the CD & V, also in view of the French who would fixette Suffice it to allow time for internal divisions to change this party. Which, however, would make it more responsive, has nothing in common with the CVP of yesteryear.
But casually, in the case of say, a small bomb Elio di Rupo dropped by announcing that the PS would not vote for the "dissolution of the rooms" that allow one to new elections. Since the dissolution
-known to currently meets the expectations of Bart De Wever (which, in the logic "prompt elections", so the mission must Reynders scupper-has done little to help the informant) could not be done without the vote of the largest French-speaking party (26 seats out of 150).
At first glance, a clear positioning (and quite popular) about a possible return to the polls. So it's not.
It does not eat bread because if elections ultimately should be held, Di Rupo is sure to be hammered out in the field: "We said and vowed that we do not want." short, Pontius Pilate & winners down the line.
Or it would be complicated psychologically, if it turned out, as is said, that the French-speaking parties (at least those of the Olive Tree) already fairly well united on the institutional, have entered a kind of implicit pact up in the same direction: to refuse, in concert, the day may come, any dissolution.
While it might North, for different reasons, be widely regarded as the stage "reboot" necessary. Especially for the N-VA, first out of Flanders often exasperated by the weight of the "King of the PS" in the current crisis. The reasoning is that elections are the only democratic option if there really is no government that can be formed. And the extension of Leterme, it becomes really perverse and unhealthy power relationships arising from the opinion expressed by the public ... June 2010 were not those that extend indefinitely at 16 rue de la Loi.
short, there is evidence for lack of consensus on the options announcement of elections, the source of a great cleavage, the germ of a great, a huge North-South clash, which could turn an unprecedented exasperation. Part of the country wants an election and the other not, it looks a bit like the famous committee vote BHV: What in any case provide a little more death certificate of a country.
Especially since the refusal of dissolution is to say so somewhere in Flemish parties that it is for them to make concessions and that, otherwise they will not use the easy way out that bis-election would ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tracking Premium Cookie

End of an adventure - continued

Rue Carnot, and generally to Carreterie Street, closure of shops were chained in 2010. After the closure announcement, for 2011 this time, " Almost Perfect" that effective, small library that was close:

The photo was taken May 30, 2010, the day after the closing, the store is empty ...
Other examples?

This bakery, famous, moved up Corps Saints, in 2008, 2009, before? I do not know. But since the entire building is still empty. Nearby, another bakery closed in 2010 because the building was sold ...

The music store, too, has moved ...

Clearance announced in January 2010, and since real. Like that of the library stationery Amblard, while nearby:

In September we dismantled the interior of the former bookstore and stationery Amblard, closed since late June.

Today it's "straw Moon" which closed its doors ... caps dream expose themselves elsewhere.

The photo on the front is of very poor quality, where editing, and now it's empty, too late now!

These are just a few examples, the list is not exhaustive. Of course some of these stores have found buyers, they have reopened, but as I said before, this is a priority of the food business that are installed. No nostalgia, even if some signs there would just regret of losing the diversity that makes the richness of a city and attract customers.

My inventory is a bit random, according to the photographs I had taken ( as proof: in the first image of the photographer is caught in the window .. .). I passed, and as for the dismantling of Amblard, I asked to take a snapshot. As you may know, the work resumed there is a supermarket that moved.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Is Uretero-vesical Junction Stone?

How can one be a Belgian or psychological influence of a variety of small plumber ...

An anarchist is a man crossing between the nails carefully, because he hates to talk with officers, said Brassens. Although Charles Trenet Charles Bricman prefer the sentence of his friend Georges fits like a glove.
How on earth can we be Charles Bricman?, It was like to write. Under his Outside phlegmatic and serious, my friend of "Without Language of Wood" (RTL-TVI) is elusive for many.
He was also the long nightmare of the number of press or political belief that breakfast would, as often, they get a "good paper" along the lines of soup more or less popular. And therefore a bit unnerved to discover often return to an article or sour al'encre discord. Tinted over to Provo when the question is known to react with outbursts or susceptibility.
It is these little pleasures Charles Bricman never fails, certainly in petto smile of his last string.
Insaississable also voters who've seen over the years the man is not no mystery-zap his vote based on criteria highly mysterious, but in which the plans on hold certainly Comet institutional often upper hand.
You do not see an explanation for that: Charles, child, certainly had to receive for its San Nicolas, or Christmas, or Saint Houben, an array of small plumber. From these small details
shrink who, casually, you doltotent a lifetime.
And that made the only policy that the little Bricman did not become great arch trap themselves are generally passionate about institutional piping. In his opening
therefore "How can we be Belgian?" if maliciously and beautifully published in the collection "Café Voltaire" Flammarion, (1) we had a little fear of discovering a book a tad too learned.
Well no, not at all. It smells rather
salivage gray matter, the gymnastics locker room writing, tobacco pipe cold-smokes-is-still-the-Belgian reread the sentence a hundred times and twelve times before being further pruned threadbare, the obsession with style and reconciliation policy, the man who slips under the sheets at no time in the morning 'and that does not fall asleep because he can still dreaming ...
OF BHV or 122 pages marked by the rare thing in political literature Belcher: a pen light. From the pen
well turned to serve a large didacticism. Or transgenic poplar joined logically enough allumettiers de Grammont. ( Union makes Match ☺)
This book, which tells you zigzag in fast-backs in the history of the "war of Belgians" is thus: fragrant, full of music, bands, accents, gatekeeper of language barriers and baroque colors.
is certainly some history of a nation-jolting cahin highly artificial full sarabande but it is primarily a climate.
A smell better dip, pick, perhaps to understand a bit of truth in this country. Much better than this thing for Dummies, odorless and tasteless. A flat
not to turn hagiographer: if the Francophone Brussels Bricman Charles is one of the few with whom it is difficult to measure in the South in the knowledge of the Flemish movement (although I'm not Naturally, na, he had already read the remarkable pages Bart De Wever on Verdinaso ...), we find that roughly Pouic in his book on the influence of the Walloon Movement, even if the poor cocoricausé fashionable in recent years is that "must be saved to save the Wallonia
Belgium. As
also said Talleyrand, a man who definitely had the chat, to be agreeable in society, we must explain many things we already know. Bricman and it does so very nice companion reading.

Michel Henrion.

( Charles Bricman. How can we be Belgian? Flammarion (Collection Cafe Voltaire) (12 euros)

Bricman Charles (right) and yours truly at Sans Language Wood

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Change Your Diana Lens

Confetti Parliament: Belgian surrealism

Leterme in Gennez confetti over krijgen zich Heen from Gazet van Antwerpen we Vimeo.

Dickies Dri Glo Nappies

Succession "blue flower" in MR: in politics, how to give thanks always depends on that of we receive.

Baby Making Dry Cough Noises

And if the new "Mens Slimste" of Flanders, Johan Vande Lanotte was pretty?

Broken Blood Vessle In Upper Lip


colors I like, not those of the spring, but red in the trees could announce, as the sun .. .
Mont Ventoux was still his muffler.
The water shuttle has resumed service between the city and the island of Barthelasse, we see under the second arch.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Closets And Hidden Storage

over 249 days of beautiful photos of the "Standaard" ...

and laughter of the VRT Vande Lanotte ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Schemas Du President Madison

31 bis rue Guillaume Puy

Do not look in my inventory, it does not appear among the carved niches that I listed. Why, simply because it is in a yard, that of a school. Other examples follow.

When I took the picture, by far, I have not seen the pigeon,

same when I do not look, there they are, at home everywhere.
Somehow it comforts me, they still survive!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

9 Weeks Pregnant Frequent Urination

world record of the crisis: VTM starification Bart De Wever

The reference is what it's worth (with regional governments and community who often good, sometimes less, much of the old federal responsibility ...) and will therefore be largely symbolic. On Thursday, Belgium also the "world record" of the crisis "(far-held theory as if it were at all comparable! - By Iraq) This course will result in com 'to Full balance sheet more or less serious or emotional. In any case, this field is chosen by the private TV channel of the North, offering VTM on Wednesday evening, a forum Bart De Wever superstar. (Fare available on the cheap: 0.5 cents per SMS) text teasing is striking: The country should he splitser? Flanders should it manage its own money? (With image full of coins) De Wever How can he solve the crisis? Look (if not withdrawn, given the turbulence) this trailer (with the split, Flamands et des sous un échantillon Di Rupo). Revelateur.


Monday, February 14, 2011

How Sprayed Are Almonds

The tsunami Morel twelve photos Posthumous in "Dag Allemaal. Case

After the special edition of the weekly celebrity 'Story' is the weekly "Dag Allemaal" (group Laatste Nieuws ) who goes to the gun, anticipating, for the first 24 hours of its release regular press.
One more demonstration of the fact that Marie-Rose Morel had prepared everything.
Here in "Dag Allemaal" twelve photos selected by it and taken in its marriage, when she was already terminally ill with Frank Vanhecke, the former chairman of Belang.
documents that could be published after His death, just as photos of his last vacation.
This is for next week.

Pinnacle Pctv 110i Tv Center

Morel to VRT, RTBF fact justify its controversial report by a contractor ... French.

In the case of the controversial sequence ( "Cancer has probably also served to strengthen the media-from far-right" ) of JT-RTBF, which stirs buzz-Flanders , VRT is fielding a new pearl, or a new gaffe com 'of public service: was it one of the many French who now succeeded to the television of the French Community (to believe that there is more talent with us ...) to justify the story of Alexander Mitea considered so moved north? If
misunderstanding between journalists from North and South is often already high (cf. interview with Johanne Montay who fought very bravely Monday morning issues VRT radio) how come Christian Dauriac recently from France Television , and for a contract period of 6 months as deputy director of the RTBF television news, can it already, " with eyes that are his ", slice the intricacies of the world Flemish politician?
course, I knew many French journalists Me (Albert Du Roy, José-Alain Fralon and others) who had a great "eye Belgian." But here, what is striking is that Dauriac, who just landed and that there is no doubt, has made a pass mission where it is mixed brushes. Look his interview with VRT defends or a delicious French " a non-biased reporting " but says "sorry have shocked some of the views " and stirred "limit the time allowed" to report . In short, a little of everything and show what a contrario that the nationalists are right and there are now two countries?
Bonus: RTBF has also agreed with some delay through its Director of Info: Dauriac not understand all the subtleties of Flanders ...

Something New Idead In Facebook

Signs painted - continued

Rue Armand Pontmartin:

To see the status of neighboring houses can learn why the ads for a store later in the Street, remained in that state

this could be one of the most beautiful facade of Avignon!
As for the building next door:

That speaks for itself.
I'm not critical, just sorry.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Smoking Or Snorting Crystal Meth

Fate of Marie-Rose Morel: why the French do not understand that flamingos do not understand their incomprehension. (And conversely)

You will see: médiapolitique the Death of Marie-Rose Morel will long event. For more substantial impact than it seems. Because this time the marker is to reconcile the irreconcilable emotional.
special edition of the weekly "Story".
Oh, we know that what man calls truth is always the truth, to say the respect in which things appear to him, said something like I do not know What thinker. But here, what is striking is a complete misunderstanding between North and South.
Look, when Marie-Rose Morel died Tuesday evening at his cancer, the media system in North has engaged with little unexpected. At least for all that, for months, the ubiquitous discovered in cover of celebrity weeklies for "bekende Vlamingen" or she detailed his battle against the crab in countless interviews. In short, the media immediately had tons: nearly three pages every day to Het Laatste Nieuws " to cite a reference, but it was all in keeping. Until that Belgacom TV music channel in the North who interrupted their programs, but yes, for a special edition prepared for long time. A mystery this media frenzy, even to many flamingos.
the South, the first time, a few lines, a few pictures. Or sometimes nothing. Because Marie-Rose Morel, is little known among francophones. Or maybe it's just a diffuse and confusing especially with a pretty blonde who was runner-up Miss Belgium Miss Flanders, and even before becoming a formidable muse of Belang. So, in fact, far right, where, at least, far right. So "cordon sanitaire". So shush with that, even if it is subject to controversy .
The problem is that Morel, if it was the N-VA party early infancy Bart, if it veered to inoportunément Belang Party, was probably also, and especially since his illness, the Party of Cancer.
Any Flanders has long followed, almost overnight, his chemotherapy, his quest for alternative medicine, his marriage is terminally ill, just to protect her children and devote a love sour so long denied. (With Frank Vanhecke, former president of Belang).
A media certainly not without ego, but desired and built to trigger this empathy that the people are always those who are struggling. With simple springs as obvious: that was not afraid of cancer? What mom or dad does not wonder what would become his children?
This therefore turned to bewilderment when the French media deluge tsunami everywhere.
" hard I look, quite rightly said Thevissen Frank, communications consultant, I find no example also led to media exhibitionism. "
We therefore took the subject, with delay. By mixing the cordons, the political and the media. (Politics, he was sometimes a little soft in some municipalities, has been maintained to make Belang party in crisis remained completely sterile) With such ignorance of what is really happening in the North, that VRT released the news at RTBF in "De dag Zevende" as a symbol, yes, almost felt insulted
ant - the inability of French to understand a little bit Flemish society. A sequence clumsy, old photographs imbued, ignorant to the facts (Belang leaders departed from the ceremony), as if a political tone of the drum was almost excuse the simple diffusion images the event.
It was felt in North as if the sad Flanders identified with Belang. As if, in the South, could not understand and integrate the fight for Flanders, the Flemish movement in the various facets sometimes kept company with many different trends, that the funeral had a little more to do with humanity that 'with the partisan beliefs. And many of those who came to greet the coffin (which Siegfried Bracke, notorious Freemason light years of fascist theories of the far right) made no sympathy none for the Belang.

As an amateur would say non-sense: the French do not understand that flamingos do not understand their incomprehension. And vice versa.
Two Worlds, Men, Women, yes. And a certain ignorance of the other. Who is that once this decidedly delicate subject that is the tragic fate of the controversial Marie-Rose Morel is discussed, opinions trenches often showered with insults. Often without self-examination. Often without knowing.
Francophones are lost between women with dark thoughts and black cancer metastasis, between the appearance political and human aspects.
Morel and Mieke Vogels: strange for francophones.
To try to feel a tad of what happened in the North, I suggest you zyeuter of this video it.
We see Marie-Rose Morel, already hit by the disease, chatting to the VRT, with Mieke Vogels, former Minister and then President of the Flemish Greens of Groen.
It's about health care policy, disease, of "World of Differences" between them, but it is marked, this woman left what Vogels, a benevolent compassion for "very bright woman and very energetic."
Marie-Rose Morel, it is clear, well attended by media conditions: a beautiful and ambitious wife beating (35% of the vote in his former stronghold of Schoten), close to Bart De Wever angry but then reconciled with the general man, obviously more extreme than the N-VA, but this extreme "acceptable" which - like it or not-is a concept that exists in Flanders, and especially a single woman Flemish persecuted by fate and to which everyone could identify with.
From there to depoliticize the event, there is obviously more than the margin.
Bart and Morel, 2004
In political background, some media in the North have seen a double opportunity: MR Morel put forward was, of First, boost their sales, income, their audience and, secondly, to launch a suicide bomber the cons Belang and its current leaders.
was the application, no less, the good old principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
We must remember that Morel, most "Flemish" shock that racist, which belonged to the "Current moderate" party (as confirmed by Manuel Abramowicz conveniently) had plans to change the policy to make it less Belang extremist: what sparked the war with the current top of the Belang, Dewinter Annemans and, moreover, it revealed the internal shenanigans. (These last months, she was no longer active)
And Morel, who had so much any media coverage, has also politicized until his funeral.
course emotion Bart De Wever was obviously genuine. But in doing so, do not be fooled, Morel allowed Bart De Wever access and strike at the heart of the system of Belang. Including many "executives" have already admitted they voted N-VA in June.
Somewhere Marie-Rose Morel left a will: look at this man who just cry in front of my coffin, the friend returned to the bad times and hugged my mom before the whole of Flanders.
Well, this cause of Flemish identity that has kept me so dear, is a certain Bart Wever, my former classmate, who now defends the best ...
Death of Marie-Rose Morel, it may also be the announcement of policy Belang.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why Does My Hair Not Go Messy

"Without waffling" radio this 10/02: How to be Belgian, why the derivatives to the crisis no longer work, ignore the phenomenon the French Marie-Rose Morel ...

Kitchenaid Refrigerator Ktrs21

The real business for the crisis. (Zyeuter to from time to time ...)

A look scroll occasionally (here in real time).

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Funny Indian Marriage Invitation Quotes

Rue Carnot, a shop that will soon close its doors one more. The causes are not important, what matters is that diversity disappears. It begs the question of sustainability of an arts and crafts shop in the city center, while other signs, installed in a commercial environment would seem to offer more choices and better prices? Course, but question is really there? And this needs to be verified.
axis Carreterie, Portal Matheron, Carnot, who was one of the busiest and which offered a wide variety of activities including crafts, is increasingly facing the catering industry, whether the restoration, mainly fast, groceries, if that word still means something, a few bars (they are also less numerous), two bakeries (at least two have closed their doors) ...
If it is still active, other examples of shops that soon they closed permanently. But I am far from having all photographed ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spit With Small Pieces Of Blood

"without stonewalling" of this TV 6 / 2 is online. (CurieuzeneuzemosterIpad, why the finger of Laurette made the "one" of the horoscope Reynders ...)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snowmobile Helmet Suggestions

Clearance Signs painted - continued

Street Petra male, opposite the Arts closed .