Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stories Of Guys Comparing Size

N-VA Google approach: the borders of Flanders, Googlemaps show "Belgian" instead of "Belgium" ...

MP Ben Weyts N-VA has beliefs and recreation for the fundamental issues. Thus we read that he was delighted, on his Facebook page, the result of a win-win apparently great Flemish struggle.
After party to assault the citadel Google, mutipliant emails and couriers, Ben Weyts obtained as Googlemaps, not superimpose over the borders of Flanders, the word "Belgium", but both the word "Belgian". (Not Flanders)
" I do not quite useless, he writes, that many foreigners consultant Google Maps get rid of the idea that only francophones living in this country."

challenged by other Dutch did not like Nationalist fixettes Ben Weyts it is in his commentary.
" The Walloons are certainly pleasant, but it's not the point, "he said . We must stop wasting time, money and energy with all the community discussions. Let us try to solve our own problems with our solutions, our vision and our own responsibility. And after separation of the current Belgium with the Netherlands (separatisten!), we can remain the best friends of Wallonia. "


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