Sunday, September 28, 2008

Free Black Big Clit Mamas

I saw the boa! Volcan Pacaya

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lake Atitlan, GUATEMALA
9:15 p.m.

Getaway 3 days at Lake Atitlan

Down here, a picture of huge pickup with which we have traveled to the tiny streets of the villages of Lake Atitlan. Not without pain and memorable anecdotes. Women at the wheel and more in a country so macho! "Go on the freeway with your truck" we were told when we attempted a maneuver reverse in a mini artery while ten "touc touc" (small mopeds covered with a cloth and carrying three people at a time) we honked like crazy and that all families in the street stared at us dumbfounded and do nothing !

Also there are so many dangerous roads (the attacks are so frequent on roads controlled by the local underworld, disguised as police) that we had to change our itinerary.

Market Scene in San Lucas Toliman

I could attend a forum organized by the National Union of Guatemalan Women by Elizabeth, who works as a research officer.

Woman indigenous (Mayan descent) places her baby against her as they have for thousands of years.

Lesenfants could have fun with me while their mothers talked and listened!

Mural made by the women of the village of San Lucas Toliman to explain what they want to make as a contribution to civil society.

the harpoon fishing in Lake Atitlan!

Lake Atitlan while it was still beautiful!

The family of Olga, director of National Women lUnion gutémaltèques in the town of San Lucas Toleman. She has generously given her home after the activity of the day.

On the road around the lake to the village of Santiago Atitlan.

We leave the dock at Santiago Atitlan. Very basic as you can see!

The view of the volcano of San Pedro in the evening on the balcony of my hotel room!

Earlier in the day, it rains ... but the clouds are always beautiful in altitude!

Eli and his daughter Esther on the boat taking us Santiago de Atitlan in San Pedro.

It rains on the Lake Atitlan ... and me!
The scenery remains beautiful ...

This lake may soon become one of the seven natural wonders of the world ... It measures about 8 km over 18 km. The Maya have long Kaqjiquel lived around the lake, whose surroundings have several villages, but they finally capitulated to the Spaniards in the middle of the 16th century.

The weather cleared and we arrived in San Pedro.

The streets of San Pedro, what are called "trails" among us!

Zoola People! (Yes!)

The San Pedro Tourist!

You see the face of the Indian (horizontally)?

Little Esther

The streets of San Pedro!

The boa! Do you see? It is digesting an elephant!

Saint-Exupery's Little Prince allegedly wrote after a trip to Guatemala (around 1945) and especially at Lake Atitlan, on which he landed his plane. This mountain would have inspired the boa that ate an elephant.

Remember the drawing of the hat? Adults do not fear the hat, but they do not know that the hat is actually a boa constrictor digesting an elephant!

"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. Thus, at the age of six I gave a magnificent career as a painter and learned to fly airplanes. "

Pioter aircraft did not stop to write beautiful stories ... boas with open and closed. "The key is invisible to the eye. "

Street neighborhood of San Pedro hippie!

Munchies? 30m!

coffee grows in the village, but we used a snapshot in the majority of the restaurant. Like what the riches of apuvres only benefit the rich !

A sweet pizza ...?

Transportation lawyers in a homely!

Esther, the vegetable vendor!

The famous "camioneta" Guatemalan


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