Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pokemon List In Chaos Black

Aqui me quedo

ON Wednesday, September 17, 2008 11:30

Monday, September 15, Independence Day of Guatemala, I went to attend a Mayan ceremony.

Here some pictures. I leave aside all the explanations they gave us the meaning of each gesture to sum it up well: thanks to those who preceded us (the souls of people do not die, they transform), wishes to ensure that our project life is realized and finally clean up his body and his mind from bad vibrations that prevent it from moving as it should.

Preparation offerings.

The shaman cleanses the negative energy with a bouquet of seven sacred herbs.

People see me being here to attend the ceremony. I deposited an offering in mind my angel from heaven, my mom.

According to Mayan prophecies, we are in the era of `fifth sun (1933-2012), the last cycle, and this era is characterized by significant climatic changes. This closure is and will be very active with regard to climate disruption. It is characterized by a very intense activity of the sun, which interferes with the alignment of the planets, and eventually causing disruptions that will occur on or after December 22, 2012. The Mayans predict that by 2011, a year before the first signs of global chaos will begin. More wars, famines and epidemics, if we pay no attention to warning signs to prevent this chaos.


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