Friday, September 12, 2008

Cleaning Jarrah Furniture

Behind every fear, there is a desire

SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 10:15

Already a week since I'm here in this beautiful city declared patrimony of humanity. This is apparently an exception in the country. This is not everywhere so, I am told. Here no posters, no banners displaying the names of the huge stores, even McDonalds has the very low profile! Perfecto!

I just read that the Bolivian president, Evo Morales, expelled the American governor of his country. I realize more and more how the law against the importation of used clothing is in fact a policy to restrict trade with the United States. Morales and Chavez: the same!

"Behind every fear, there is a desire," wrote Jacques Salome. That's my thought of the day, do you love?

Failing can understand the other, I let myself be invaded. I do "as if" I was the other and I push up the illusion to live like people.

The only true voyage, the only
It would not be going to new landscapes, but
to have other eyes to see the universe through the eyes of a other
a hundred others, to see hundred universes that each of them sees, that
each is.
Marcel Proust, The Captive

¡Our llevamos de puta madre! (It is doing very well)


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