Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mixed Wrestling Blodspot

Kantuta In the rest of the country

Oruro, Bolivia
On December 7, 2008 8:36 p.m.

Kantuta Market, between legality and illegality

In southern Bolivia, in the heights of the Altiplano, "plain elevation "English in the heart of the Andes (the highest inhabited region in the world), the mining town of 240,000 inhabitants.

It is the first major city in Bolivia near the Chilean border and ports of Iquique and Arica in Chile, Oruro, is the wholesale used clothing.

Importers of used clothing are mostly trade in Oruro. They have their warehouse. Importation is illegal in Bolivia since April 2007 but the sale, it is still legal and taxed. Bolivia does not have a port, the goods through Chile. For several years, despite the legality of such trade, the importation of contraband is estimated at nearly 90% of all contributions of used clothing in the country.

It is 6:30 am, Tuesday, December 2, get there early to see the wholesalers to buy more clothes, you come earlier the greater the choice! - See smaller vendors to install their improvised kiosks with plastic sheets, smell the smell of hot drinks such as API (I do not know yet exactly what it is), hear the sizzle of frying their morning pastries, to see men carrying on their backs huge loads.

Or women sit on the floor with their first meal of the day, surrounded by their children to whom they give the breast or drink while installing their used goods, shoes, socks, underwear, handbags and clothing of all kinds ....

Whatever to be honest, despite my continued presence and my eyes which has continued to ask around, I have not even had time to notice all the movement necessary to installation of such market in a place where there was absolutely nothing two hours before!

Look no banners, coffee and croissant, not here we eat and drink there, the coffee served from the pot, API, and pasteles.

Obviously, as many as I could see this woman packs her "Faldo", tell me she does not want to hide something?

Here on a street corner, away from the center of the market, "faldos" open, on which individuals are jetent, an issue to buy the best pieces for their small businesses. They can not afford to buy a bundle at 10 $ -20 $ or even $ 50. The average annual income in Bolivia is $ 950 per year.

The stuffed animals are also very popular. Something for everyone, and I smiled, noticing a man of forty years hesitating between two toys ridiculous, wondering which of them would sell the best!

clay oven. We see in many homes outside the cities.

I think he is to sell this poor sheep!

People move. An hour later this place will be filled to overflowing. Traders from across region to do business.

When we move away a little market, the streets of this area of the city, are much less animated than the market. the north, is certainly the poorest. Having visited the center of the city, there are still many more activities in this mining town.

earthen streets of Oruro, ensouvelies twice a week under tons of "ropa americana," a lasting memory. This hot dog has also ......

All kinds of flavors, smells, textures, images and sounds .......

A trick of the sea fried .......?!?


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