Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thank You For Considering To Mount Blade.

groups in daily life .... chapin

ON Monday, October 6, 2008 11:54

Life is dangerous here and hangs by a thread! People are armed with machetes and evening to go when you're a lonely girl, you better find a guy armed to go with you! It's like a taxi, but instead he walks with you to your house and you pay. So when you station your car, there are guys walking around and suggest you keep your car while you're busy. Nobody leaves his car parked on the street for very long. There are parking lots closed and guards to open the door. So when

you walk at night by car, there is something we must be careful. In addition to numerous landslides due to heavy rains, and how to drive like crazy by overruns in simple ways, there are guys driving drunk! You should drive in order to avoid them, and hurrying to be removed from their path, if you watch it ...

Monday evening last, at 18h, as night fell, I went to the capital (to see a very good show of Miss K, a French singer of way) alone on public transport, the hubbub total ( at least three people working in the Bus driver, a fact that traffic outside the bus and calling people to assemble, and another to collect the money, oh yes and another to put people on the bus crowded with music in background!) attacks are frequent buses ... Attacks to steal money from the driver and passengers.

guagua After I had taken a taxi and it scared me because here is common to ask his way three times, just to verify information from each other and to average! So he stopped to refuel I could not understand, it was long, but at least you negotiate your fare before. I did not have, but I was hot, I did not understand he does not know where I went, but he seems tt-that drivers are unaware that their "zone" (because the city is divided into zones) and when I got off the bus (I'm not down where it was expected) I was three blocks from the most criminalized region of Central America!

Last Friday I attended a pinata. You know the dolls bearing the likeness of any character which you type with a stick until candy fall time. This is my English teacher who invited me to his family celebration. My teacher has 38 years. She did not seem so much more, but in her head she seems to feel old. She has 3 children, the oldest is 15. Here it is not uncommon to see women of 33 years with 9 children! No contraception because men would be afraid that their wives découchent. And domestic violence is common. Well machismo ... long way to do it again.

This week is the Social Forum of the Americas in the capital. There assos of Quebec present among others. Try to make you a few minutes account if I learn of new initiatives.

I am aware of what goes on in Bolivia's political crisis. I read a very interesting blog that I summarizes the situation. Here is the address for those interested http://mabb.blogspot.com/

Here the other day I conducted interviews with vendors of used clothing. My teacher was with me, the luxury! Except that people do not want to talk about their business ... Secret, I knew, but it looks difficult, especially with the newly introduced legislation in Bolivia. But I always learn a little more, then it is not lost!

I appreciate learning with Norma, she very nice. We talk about all sorts of social issues, about life here on the attitudes, habits, etc.. It is the owner (her husband instead) the apartment of my friend Elizabeth. She lives just down with his family and I go down stairs to 14 pm, often late, because Guatemala is in or you do not! Here we say "I see you in 10 minutes but 10 minutes is an hour's time chapin!" (Guatemalan means), one speaks of a time! You get used, but it diffile with our sense of efficacy much more than is taught .... I often infuriates me, everything takes so much time (and who is often pressed me! )

Together we work at the kitchen table. It also keeps it that sometimes when Esther goes out with his friends Eli and me! There are two bars, among other restaurants in Antigua where it's nice to go because they were friends of my friends who keep them. One belongs to a Swiss and the other at a French (pancake). Foreigners come here often with male Guatemalans and foreigners like to Guatemalans (even if it does not work all the time). Often, the guys get married as soon as the girl Tombre pregnant unintentionally. It's very "religious", yes religious, but mostly conservative.

There is also the phenomenon of evangelical churches is very interesting to watch. And the fences that grow! Will talk about all this, I promise. And also my walk to the market Maya of Chichicastenango. Tengo

that estudiar ahora mi espanol, porque no voy a estar una buena estudiante no if the hare! Adios

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Free Black Big Clit Mamas

I saw the boa! Volcan Pacaya

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lake Atitlan, GUATEMALA
9:15 p.m.

Getaway 3 days at Lake Atitlan

Down here, a picture of huge pickup with which we have traveled to the tiny streets of the villages of Lake Atitlan. Not without pain and memorable anecdotes. Women at the wheel and more in a country so macho! "Go on the freeway with your truck" we were told when we attempted a maneuver reverse in a mini artery while ten "touc touc" (small mopeds covered with a cloth and carrying three people at a time) we honked like crazy and that all families in the street stared at us dumbfounded and do nothing !

Also there are so many dangerous roads (the attacks are so frequent on roads controlled by the local underworld, disguised as police) that we had to change our itinerary.

Market Scene in San Lucas Toliman

I could attend a forum organized by the National Union of Guatemalan Women by Elizabeth, who works as a research officer.

Woman indigenous (Mayan descent) places her baby against her as they have for thousands of years.

Lesenfants could have fun with me while their mothers talked and listened!

Mural made by the women of the village of San Lucas Toliman to explain what they want to make as a contribution to civil society.

the harpoon fishing in Lake Atitlan!

Lake Atitlan while it was still beautiful!

The family of Olga, director of National Women lUnion gutémaltèques in the town of San Lucas Toleman. She has generously given her home after the activity of the day.

On the road around the lake to the village of Santiago Atitlan.

We leave the dock at Santiago Atitlan. Very basic as you can see!

The view of the volcano of San Pedro in the evening on the balcony of my hotel room!

Earlier in the day, it rains ... but the clouds are always beautiful in altitude!

Eli and his daughter Esther on the boat taking us Santiago de Atitlan in San Pedro.

It rains on the Lake Atitlan ... and me!
The scenery remains beautiful ...

This lake may soon become one of the seven natural wonders of the world ... It measures about 8 km over 18 km. The Maya have long Kaqjiquel lived around the lake, whose surroundings have several villages, but they finally capitulated to the Spaniards in the middle of the 16th century.

The weather cleared and we arrived in San Pedro.

The streets of San Pedro, what are called "trails" among us!

Zoola People! (Yes!)

The San Pedro Tourist!

You see the face of the Indian (horizontally)?

Little Esther

The streets of San Pedro!

The boa! Do you see? It is digesting an elephant!

Saint-Exupery's Little Prince allegedly wrote after a trip to Guatemala (around 1945) and especially at Lake Atitlan, on which he landed his plane. This mountain would have inspired the boa that ate an elephant.

Remember the drawing of the hat? Adults do not fear the hat, but they do not know that the hat is actually a boa constrictor digesting an elephant!

"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. Thus, at the age of six I gave a magnificent career as a painter and learned to fly airplanes. "

Pioter aircraft did not stop to write beautiful stories ... boas with open and closed. "The key is invisible to the eye. "

Street neighborhood of San Pedro hippie!

Munchies? 30m!

coffee grows in the village, but we used a snapshot in the majority of the restaurant. Like what the riches of apuvres only benefit the rich !

A sweet pizza ...?

Transportation lawyers in a homely!

Esther, the vegetable vendor!

The famous "camioneta" Guatemalan

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Will Sephora Cover Up Vitiligo

ANTIGUA, Guatemela
THURSDAY, Sept. 24, 2008

Last Sunday I climbed Pacaya volcano in the company of Elizabeth, with 8 other people and our guide José. It was a memorable experience. This is one of three active volcanoes in Guatemala. They are part of the chain that passes through the Pacific and Japan across the ocean. This is a temperamental volcano and visitors for damages suffered serious and even fatal when a sudden eruption, when they were near the volcano. In early 2000, the Pacaya began dangerously agitated, necessitating the move to the orange alert.

It should be very cautious and wary of new rocks or faults that could arise at any time. Below these volcanic rocks on which we walk, we can see the lava. The closer a significant flaws which the lava flows, it's suffocating heat. It is very hard to walk on these volcanic rocks. Especially when you think they can break, which can fall and seriously injure themselves.