Sunday, February 13, 2011

Smoking Or Snorting Crystal Meth

Fate of Marie-Rose Morel: why the French do not understand that flamingos do not understand their incomprehension. (And conversely)

You will see: médiapolitique the Death of Marie-Rose Morel will long event. For more substantial impact than it seems. Because this time the marker is to reconcile the irreconcilable emotional.
special edition of the weekly "Story".
Oh, we know that what man calls truth is always the truth, to say the respect in which things appear to him, said something like I do not know What thinker. But here, what is striking is a complete misunderstanding between North and South.
Look, when Marie-Rose Morel died Tuesday evening at his cancer, the media system in North has engaged with little unexpected. At least for all that, for months, the ubiquitous discovered in cover of celebrity weeklies for "bekende Vlamingen" or she detailed his battle against the crab in countless interviews. In short, the media immediately had tons: nearly three pages every day to Het Laatste Nieuws " to cite a reference, but it was all in keeping. Until that Belgacom TV music channel in the North who interrupted their programs, but yes, for a special edition prepared for long time. A mystery this media frenzy, even to many flamingos.
the South, the first time, a few lines, a few pictures. Or sometimes nothing. Because Marie-Rose Morel, is little known among francophones. Or maybe it's just a diffuse and confusing especially with a pretty blonde who was runner-up Miss Belgium Miss Flanders, and even before becoming a formidable muse of Belang. So, in fact, far right, where, at least, far right. So "cordon sanitaire". So shush with that, even if it is subject to controversy .
The problem is that Morel, if it was the N-VA party early infancy Bart, if it veered to inoportunément Belang Party, was probably also, and especially since his illness, the Party of Cancer.
Any Flanders has long followed, almost overnight, his chemotherapy, his quest for alternative medicine, his marriage is terminally ill, just to protect her children and devote a love sour so long denied. (With Frank Vanhecke, former president of Belang).
A media certainly not without ego, but desired and built to trigger this empathy that the people are always those who are struggling. With simple springs as obvious: that was not afraid of cancer? What mom or dad does not wonder what would become his children?
This therefore turned to bewilderment when the French media deluge tsunami everywhere.
" hard I look, quite rightly said Thevissen Frank, communications consultant, I find no example also led to media exhibitionism. "
We therefore took the subject, with delay. By mixing the cordons, the political and the media. (Politics, he was sometimes a little soft in some municipalities, has been maintained to make Belang party in crisis remained completely sterile) With such ignorance of what is really happening in the North, that VRT released the news at RTBF in "De dag Zevende" as a symbol, yes, almost felt insulted
ant - the inability of French to understand a little bit Flemish society. A sequence clumsy, old photographs imbued, ignorant to the facts (Belang leaders departed from the ceremony), as if a political tone of the drum was almost excuse the simple diffusion images the event.
It was felt in North as if the sad Flanders identified with Belang. As if, in the South, could not understand and integrate the fight for Flanders, the Flemish movement in the various facets sometimes kept company with many different trends, that the funeral had a little more to do with humanity that 'with the partisan beliefs. And many of those who came to greet the coffin (which Siegfried Bracke, notorious Freemason light years of fascist theories of the far right) made no sympathy none for the Belang.

As an amateur would say non-sense: the French do not understand that flamingos do not understand their incomprehension. And vice versa.
Two Worlds, Men, Women, yes. And a certain ignorance of the other. Who is that once this decidedly delicate subject that is the tragic fate of the controversial Marie-Rose Morel is discussed, opinions trenches often showered with insults. Often without self-examination. Often without knowing.
Francophones are lost between women with dark thoughts and black cancer metastasis, between the appearance political and human aspects.
Morel and Mieke Vogels: strange for francophones.
To try to feel a tad of what happened in the North, I suggest you zyeuter of this video it.
We see Marie-Rose Morel, already hit by the disease, chatting to the VRT, with Mieke Vogels, former Minister and then President of the Flemish Greens of Groen.
It's about health care policy, disease, of "World of Differences" between them, but it is marked, this woman left what Vogels, a benevolent compassion for "very bright woman and very energetic."
Marie-Rose Morel, it is clear, well attended by media conditions: a beautiful and ambitious wife beating (35% of the vote in his former stronghold of Schoten), close to Bart De Wever angry but then reconciled with the general man, obviously more extreme than the N-VA, but this extreme "acceptable" which - like it or not-is a concept that exists in Flanders, and especially a single woman Flemish persecuted by fate and to which everyone could identify with.
From there to depoliticize the event, there is obviously more than the margin.
Bart and Morel, 2004
In political background, some media in the North have seen a double opportunity: MR Morel put forward was, of First, boost their sales, income, their audience and, secondly, to launch a suicide bomber the cons Belang and its current leaders.
was the application, no less, the good old principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
We must remember that Morel, most "Flemish" shock that racist, which belonged to the "Current moderate" party (as confirmed by Manuel Abramowicz conveniently) had plans to change the policy to make it less Belang extremist: what sparked the war with the current top of the Belang, Dewinter Annemans and, moreover, it revealed the internal shenanigans. (These last months, she was no longer active)
And Morel, who had so much any media coverage, has also politicized until his funeral.
course emotion Bart De Wever was obviously genuine. But in doing so, do not be fooled, Morel allowed Bart De Wever access and strike at the heart of the system of Belang. Including many "executives" have already admitted they voted N-VA in June.
Somewhere Marie-Rose Morel left a will: look at this man who just cry in front of my coffin, the friend returned to the bad times and hugged my mom before the whole of Flanders.
Well, this cause of Flemish identity that has kept me so dear, is a certain Bart Wever, my former classmate, who now defends the best ...
Death of Marie-Rose Morel, it may also be the announcement of policy Belang.


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