Monday, February 21, 2011

What Is Uretero-vesical Junction Stone?

How can one be a Belgian or psychological influence of a variety of small plumber ...

An anarchist is a man crossing between the nails carefully, because he hates to talk with officers, said Brassens. Although Charles Trenet Charles Bricman prefer the sentence of his friend Georges fits like a glove.
How on earth can we be Charles Bricman?, It was like to write. Under his Outside phlegmatic and serious, my friend of "Without Language of Wood" (RTL-TVI) is elusive for many.
He was also the long nightmare of the number of press or political belief that breakfast would, as often, they get a "good paper" along the lines of soup more or less popular. And therefore a bit unnerved to discover often return to an article or sour al'encre discord. Tinted over to Provo when the question is known to react with outbursts or susceptibility.
It is these little pleasures Charles Bricman never fails, certainly in petto smile of his last string.
Insaississable also voters who've seen over the years the man is not no mystery-zap his vote based on criteria highly mysterious, but in which the plans on hold certainly Comet institutional often upper hand.
You do not see an explanation for that: Charles, child, certainly had to receive for its San Nicolas, or Christmas, or Saint Houben, an array of small plumber. From these small details
shrink who, casually, you doltotent a lifetime.
And that made the only policy that the little Bricman did not become great arch trap themselves are generally passionate about institutional piping. In his opening
therefore "How can we be Belgian?" if maliciously and beautifully published in the collection "Café Voltaire" Flammarion, (1) we had a little fear of discovering a book a tad too learned.
Well no, not at all. It smells rather
salivage gray matter, the gymnastics locker room writing, tobacco pipe cold-smokes-is-still-the-Belgian reread the sentence a hundred times and twelve times before being further pruned threadbare, the obsession with style and reconciliation policy, the man who slips under the sheets at no time in the morning 'and that does not fall asleep because he can still dreaming ...
OF BHV or 122 pages marked by the rare thing in political literature Belcher: a pen light. From the pen
well turned to serve a large didacticism. Or transgenic poplar joined logically enough allumettiers de Grammont. ( Union makes Match ☺)
This book, which tells you zigzag in fast-backs in the history of the "war of Belgians" is thus: fragrant, full of music, bands, accents, gatekeeper of language barriers and baroque colors.
is certainly some history of a nation-jolting cahin highly artificial full sarabande but it is primarily a climate.
A smell better dip, pick, perhaps to understand a bit of truth in this country. Much better than this thing for Dummies, odorless and tasteless. A flat
not to turn hagiographer: if the Francophone Brussels Bricman Charles is one of the few with whom it is difficult to measure in the South in the knowledge of the Flemish movement (although I'm not Naturally, na, he had already read the remarkable pages Bart De Wever on Verdinaso ...), we find that roughly Pouic in his book on the influence of the Walloon Movement, even if the poor cocoricausé fashionable in recent years is that "must be saved to save the Wallonia
Belgium. As
also said Talleyrand, a man who definitely had the chat, to be agreeable in society, we must explain many things we already know. Bricman and it does so very nice companion reading.

Michel Henrion.

( Charles Bricman. How can we be Belgian? Flammarion (Collection Cafe Voltaire) (12 euros)

Bricman Charles (right) and yours truly at Sans Language Wood


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